Thursday, May 12, 2011

Recycling in Chicopee!

A belated earth day post!

Over a month ago, a large green recycling bin and instructions showed up at the bottom of our driveway.  I was ecstatic!  Over the last few weeks, I have enjoyed driving through my neighborhood on trash day to see everyone's green bins lined up for pick up, many over flowing!  Hopefully you have been recycling in the former small blue containers and are a pro at determining what is recyclable and what is not.  Just in case, here is a refresher.


  • Metal food cans, glass jars, bottles and plastics labeled #'s 1-7.
  • All paper, including shredded paper and paper bags, magazines, soft cover books, all junk mail with envelopes, Christmas wrapping paper (but not metallic or glitter paper), tissue paper
  • Cardboard boxes (empty, flat and untied).
  • Gift, cereal, shoe and frozen dinner boxes.
  • HOLIDAY ITEMS: Gift wrap and bags, tissue paper, cardboard and all gift and shoe boxes, catalogs, greeting cards

  • Hangers, styrofoam, plastic/clay flower pots, egg cartons.
  • Pizza boxes or any container with food still inside.
  • Paper plates, napkins, towels, kleenex, toilet paper
  • Small appliances, light bulbs, plastic bags, dishes or glasses.
  • Scrap metal
  • Tinsel, ribbons, bows, packing peanuts, styrofoam
For more information on Chicopee's recycling efforts, refer here

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