Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treating

This was our first year handing out candy together on Halloween.  We went to the JCPenny Outlet at the Eastfield Mall and got some Halloween decorations and we got a selection of our favorite candy at Rite Aid and put them in little baggies.  I am happy to say we bought just enough candy to get us to 8:30pm, and then we turned our lights off.  I am not happy that many of our trick-or-treaters were not in costume, adults, or both.  I will refrain from opining on the situation for now, but I am contemplating making a sign with rules for next year.  I would post it at the end of our walkway with a big light shining on it.  It would say:

1.) No costume, no candy.
2.) Must be under 15.
3.) No Running. (One little girl ran and fell)
4.) Ring the door bell once, or knock once.  Not both or duplicates.

Did you have problems with trick-or-treaters? Have any tips for saying no to kids with no costumes? Any rules to add to my list?  Post them in the comments!

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