Sunday, October 31, 2010

Copperline Eatery


My Fiance and I have recently discovered Copperline Eatery. While this doesn't seem surprising since I just moved here, he has lived in the area for three years.  Since our first trip on October 1st, we have been at least five times for breakfast and dinner.  We tried to go back again this morning (would have been our third day in a row... don't judge) but there was a line out the door.

Copperline is in the back of a convenience store at 409 Broadway in Chicopee.  You can enter through the front or on the side.  There is a parking lot on the right side (if facing the building) and there is additional parking on the street.  Copperline is seat yourself, and all tables are booths.

On a recent trip for dinner my Fiance and I got a full carafe of wine ($7, though some varieties are less expensive), a bowl of clam chowder, chicken quesadillas, a buffalo chicken salad and a cranberry walnut chicken salad.  The bill was somewhere around $25.  Cheap date!

PROs: Price, Portions, Keno

CONs: Service is a bit slow sometimes, packed on Sunday mornings, only open for dinner Thursdays and Fridays til 7:30pm.

Wine ($7!)

Clam Chowder

Cranberry Walnut Chicken Salad

Buffalo Chicken Salad


Have you been to Copperline?  Love or hate?

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