Monday, November 15, 2010

Red Rose Pizzeria: A Lesson in Overeating


A week or so ago, we went to Red Rose Pizzeria in Springfield for dinner.  While the purpose was to get dinner on a Friday night, we ended up over indulging and departed with enough leftovers for about 5 more meals.  I am surprised they didn't need to roll us out the door!

Red Rose Pizzeria - The exterior

My Fiance had gotten take out from there before, but neither of us had eaten in.  The hostess is straight ahead when you walk in, the main dining room to the right, and a bar to the left.  There were at least 20 people waiting for tables when we arrived.  This is both a good sign and a bad sign.  It is good because it means the food is worth waiting for, but obviously bad because you have to wait!  Luckily, the bar area is quite large, so there was plenty of space for those waiting to spread out.  I wish I had timed our wait in minutes, but all I can offer is that it was long enough for us to get drinks at the bar, and to consume about half of them.

The Bar

Now, here comes the part over indulging....

Red wine
Bread (free) and Salad for two or more (after we had each eaten some)
Chicken Parm Sub
Margherita Pizza with Ricotta

We were seated at a four top (thankfully! I am not sure where all of our plates would have gone otherwise) and had a very nice waitress.  We realized that we were over ordering, but who doesn't like leftover pizza.  We figured we would have enough to eat for breakfast the next morning.  That was wrong.  Very wrong.

Leftover Pizza

We each had pizza for at least three other meals and a late night snack.  We additionally brought home half of the sub.

On our way out I noticed that you could see them making the pizza dough!  I snapped a picture through the glass and the hostess then invited me into the kitchen and took my picture with the cooks!

Pizza Dough!

Overall, the pizza was great!  There is a reason why Red Rose Pizzeria is the Number 1 restaurant in Springfield, MA on Urban Spoon.  The pizza was not cut into the traditional triangle slices (see picture above), which made them easier to eat by hand.  The salad was HUGE and came dressed, so if you are picky, you might want to specify that you would like it on the side.   It would be easy for at least 6 people to share the salad if not more.

The Round-up:
1/2 carafe of wine
Salad for 2+
16" Pizza
Chicken Parm Sub
Total = ~$60.00

The Lesson: Next time we will get the salad for two or more, and a small pizza!

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