Tuesday, December 21, 2010

United States Post Office

To many, the holiday season includes at least one trip to the Post Office.  For me, this holiday season included my first trip to the Post Office in Chicopee.  I went with a healthy dose of patience.  It was the Saturday before Christmas and I knew there was no way I would escape without a wait.  I followed my GPS from my gym to the Post Office at 100 Center Street and parked on the street as it seemed there was no lot.  The Post Office looked quiet.  One or two people going in and out, no line out the door, plenty of spots on the street.  I was delighted.  I grabbed my pile of packages and headed in.  

100 Center Street, Chicopee

It was very quiet...because it was closed.  The lobby was open for PO Box customers, but the counter was closed.   I managed to drop one of my packages as I sulked back to my car.   I gave my GPS one more chance to redeem itself and it found a second Post Office in Chicopee, on Main Street, just a short drive a way.  

The scene at the Main St. Post Office was exactly what I expected.  A near miss accident in the parking lot with a car driving the wrong way in a one way.  A fight for a spot with another car, also going the wrong way in a one way (FYI: one way parking lots are designated by arrow markings on the pavement, posted signs and additionally often have angled spots).  I was in no rush, so I took it all in stride.  

Once inside, the line was long.  Thankfully, the customers inside were smart enough to find a way to wrap it around so that no one needed to stand outside.  The total wait was about 15 minutes (thank you iPhone stop watch).  

The Post Office itself (disregarding the crowds of people and bad drivers) was very nice with some historic charm and cute touches. 

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